5 Reasons Why Dyson Vacuum Battery Not Holding Charge

dyson vacuum battery not holding charge
dyson vacuum battery not holding charge

Dyson vacuums don’t need to be plugged in all the time. Instead, they use batteries for their cordless model.

I like that, because it lets me clean in tighter spaces without worrying if my cord will reach it.

But, if the battery on your Dyson vacuum is not holding a charge, you can’t use it anywhere.

Read: What To Do When Dyson Vacuum Brush Won’t Spin

Fixing A Dyson Vacuum Battery That’s Not Holding Charge

  1. Disable Boost Mode

Boost mode may sound cool to use, and it’s definitely useful. (It might also be called Max mode depending on the Dyson vacuum you have).

But, I don’t recommend using it unless you absolutely have to.

Boost (or Max) mode makes the vacuum run at its absolute highest output. It’s great for dealing with the most difficult situations.

However it’s not that great for the battery of the device.

Because it’s running on such high output, the battery gets a huge strain on it and can actually start dying because of this mode.

It also only runs for around 5 minutes, even on a full charge.

So, it could be that your Dyson vacuum is actually holding charge but you think it’s not because of Boost mode.

I have it enabled right now in this image to show you what it looks like.

boost mode on

Click the button I highlighted in my image to change the mode from Boost.

Something else will be much less straining for the battery, and will let the device run for longer.

Related: How To Fix Dyson Vacuum Maximum Mode Not Working

  1. Faulty Charger

While it’s not that likely, I think a bad charger can be the reason for your worries.

Your device might still be capable of holding a charge, but it can’t do that because it’s not getting a charge in the first place.

I have a Dyson V11, and it charges with a wall mount. This wall mount is pretty secure and durable. Here you can see what it looks like:

wall mount charger dyson

Despite that, I can see how it can go bad with prolonged use, and especially with some rough handling. If you’ve had your charger for a long time, I recommend looking into this.

The best way to tell if its a problem with the Dyson vacuum not holding a charge or just your charger is to check the LED light on your device’s handle.

charging dyson vacuum blue light

If the light isn’t pulsing blue as shown in the image above when your vacuum is plugged in, that means your charger or battery might be faulty.

There could also be a condition where the vacuum is just simply blinking blue light but not turning on at all.

I have recorded a video dedicated to solve this problem.

  1. Clean the Filters

Dirty filters can force your Dyson vacuum to stop, or not turn on at all.

So, you might be in a situation where your Dyson vacuum is holding a charge but not turning on because of the filters.

Luckily, all you have to do this is give the filters a good cleaning like I’m doing below.

I normally use water instead of dry cleaning method as I think it is more effective.

This method also helped me to fix the Airway Blocked warning message but no real blockage issue on my Dyson vacuum.

cleaning dyson vacuum filter

I also suggest completely disassembling the filters and cleaning them on the inside too.

A lot of dirt can accumulate there and ruin your filters, making the vacuum stop working for safety.

Related: After Cleaning Filter Make Dyson Vacuum Not Able To Work

  1. Force The Battery To Start

If you’re sure nothing is wrong with the charger or filters, there’s actually a really easy way to force your battery to start.

To do this, you’ll need to plug your vacuum on charge for a few minutes.

dyson vacuum plugged into charger

When some time passes, unplug the charger from the power source. Immediately plug it back in after this, and keep holding the trigger of the vacuum afterward.

dyson vacuum pressed trigger

After half a minute of holding the trigger, let go of it. Now remove the device from the charger entirely and try to see if your vacuum is holding a charge.

This worked for me once and a bunch of other users too. Hopefully it does the trick for you as well.

One thing I want to point out is that you might have to repeat this solution every few months as it is not a permanent solution.

  1. Dead Battery Problems

Much more likely than a faulty charger is a faulty battery. Batteries die on any device with enough use, and it could be that yours have done the same.

I’ve had my Dyson vacuum for a long time now, and it actually needed its battery replaced recently as I can feel there is not enough suction power when I use it.

Yours is likely in the same situation if none of the other solutions so far have worked.

There’s not much to do other than getting a replacement. Like I said, I got one myself recently, which you can see here.

dyson vacuum battery

Most batteries on a Dyson vacuum can be replaced the same way. But, before doing anything, I recommend you completely unplug the device from all power and remove all its attachments.

The battery will be on the bottom of your vacuum’s handle in most cases.

Open up the screws around this area to release the battery.

Now change it with a new one and get your vacuum working again!


  • Thomas Martinez

    Hi, I am Thomas Martinez, the owner of ToolCroze.com! As a passionate DIY enthusiast and a firm believer in the power of quality tools, I created this platform to share my knowledge and experiences with fellow craftsmen and handywomen alike.

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