Philips Trimmer Not Turning Off and Stay On? 2 Reasons

philips trimmer not turning off
philips trimmer not turning off

I’ve seen people complain about a very strange case where their Philips trimmer is just not turning off.

It just stays on and keeps running until the battery dies out.

It’s a really weird issue that not a lot of people have, but I think I can help you get rid of it.

Try out the solutions I’ve shared in the list below and you might be able to fix the problem.

Read: Philips Trimmer Not Working Troubleshoot

Philips Trimmer Not Turning Off

  1. Faulty Power Button

From the top of my head, I think the most obvious reason for something like this is a faulty power button.

It makes sense that the button could be pressed down fully, causing this issue.

This is usually caused by debris getting inside an awkward position.

As shown in the image below, here’s how the on/off button looks like on my Philips trimmer.

Philips trimmer on off button

That debris can stop the power button from returning to the “off” input to stop the trimmer. But luckily, it’s not hard to fix.

Just like my Philips trimmer as shown in the image below, you can see that there are many hair trapped inside my trimmer!

You would need to remove these hair!

Philips trimmer battery

Besides, you need a screw driver to open the casing around the power button. This button might be in different places depending on your model.

Here you can see a picture of it on my Philips trimmer model.

power button on philips trimmer

Clean the area around this thoroughly. Blow on it and use a rag to get rid of any notable dirt or debris.

I have recorded a video on how the internal components of my Philips trimmer work.

At minute 0.35 of the video below, I triggered the trimmer to on and off multiple times to make sure the on/off button is not faulty.

Then, carefully attach everything back together to see if it’s working again.

  1. Water Damage Causing Issues

Water can seep into trimmers and cause problems like the one you’re experiencing at times.

Something similar even happened to me with my Philips trimmer once when I used it near water.

If your trimmer came into contact with water too (even though it is an waterproof model ), I suggest you try this solution out especially.

Water inside the device causes problems like electrical component short circuit, leading the device to always stay on.

To amend a problem like that, you’re going to need to take apart the device like I’ve done here.

That will give you a closer look at things, and let you dry them off if necessary.

opened up philips trimmer

When you have the trimmer open like I do, carefully check to see if it’s wet in any spot. Use a cloth to get rid of any water or hair around or inside the device.

After cleaning it all over and makes sure it is dry, reattach the casing and check to see if the trimmer is finally working again.


  • Thomas Martinez

    Hi, I am Thomas Martinez, the owner of! As a passionate DIY enthusiast and a firm believer in the power of quality tools, I created this platform to share my knowledge and experiences with fellow craftsmen and handywomen alike.

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