My Personal Kärcher Hose Hanger Plus Review

Karcher Hose Hanger Plus Review
Karcher Hose Hanger Plus Review

What makes the best hose hanger? Compact design? Sturdy? Wall-mountable? Budget friendly?

If these are the features you are looking for in a hose hanger, this review may be helpful for you!

Kärcher Hose Hanger Plus Review

Article key points:

  1. Case opening for easy access storage.
  2. Compact design casing with tool organizer.
  3. Easy fit wall-mountable hose hanger.

Initially, I am looking for a secondary hose hanger to store my pressure washer hose.

Since I keep my pressure washer in my garage closet, I need a hose hanger that is small enough to fit inside.

Hence, I purchased the Kärcher Hose Hanger Plus and this is my personal hands-on review.

  1. Case opening for easy access storage.

Firstly, the Kärcher Hose Hanger Plus has an opening in the middle that is big enough to fit sponges and cloth rags.

So when I need to swap to my pressure washer after cleaning, I can easily keep my sponge on the hose hanger opening.

No more dirty sponge laying on the floor!

  1. Compact design casing with tool organizer.
Multi-purpose casing for storing small items in one place
Multi-purpose casing for storing small items in one place

Secondly, the Kärcher Hose Hanger Plus casing is a mini tool organizer.

Moreover, I can keep all my pressure washer connectors and nozzles in one place by hanging them underneath the casing.

If you are a clumsy person like me, this hose hanger is a great help!

  1. Easy fit wall-mountable hose hanger.

Thirdly, the Kärcher Hose Hanger Plus fits my closet space perfectly.

With dimensions of 145mm length, 300mm width and 305mm height, I drilled the hose hanger on the side of my wooden closet wall.

However, there are no wall fixings supplied in the box so I had to use my own hook in my toolbox reserves.

Home fixer tip: If you are new to drilling on a brick wall, please hire a repairman to drill and install the hose hanger for you. Your safety is always first.

Compact design that fits inside my narrow garage closet space
Compact design that fits inside my narrow garage closet space


I am very happy with the Kärcher Hose Hanger Plus as my secondary hose hanger.

It has a compact design that fits inside my narrow garage closet space.

Plus, it has a multi-purpose casing for storing small items in one place.

I hope that you find my review insightful. Thank you for reading!


  • Thomas Martinez

    Hi, I am Thomas Martinez, the owner of! As a passionate DIY enthusiast and a firm believer in the power of quality tools, I created this platform to share my knowledge and experiences with fellow craftsmen and handywomen alike.

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