Dyson Vacuum Not Working After Cleaning Filter: 4 Most Likely Reasons

dyson vacuum not working after cleaning filter
dyson vacuum not working after cleaning filter

I had an issue a while ago where my Dyson vacuum was just not working after I got done cleaning its filter. While looking for a fix, I saw a lot of other people came across the same issue.

So, I wanted to help out by sharing things that might be wrong to help others in the same mess I was.

I’ve narrowed down some of the most common reasons for this below, as well as how to deal with them!

Dyson Vacuum Not Working After Cleaning The Filter

  1. Let the Filter Dry

A huge mistake I see people making with their Dyson vacuums is not letting the filter dry after cleaning it with water.

wet dyson vacuum filter

As mentioned in this post about fixing Airway Blocked error message, use water to clean the filter is one of my common practice.

No matter what happens, you should never let the filters get wet during use!

It’s highly detrimental for the device, and ruins the performance of the filters.

As you can see from my video below, I once install the filter back to my Dyson vacuum while it is still wet.

And the result is the vacuum is not working with the wet filter!

I recommend taking the filters out and storing them in a warm place for at least 24 hours before putting them back in the vacuum.

Even slightly damp filters can cause big problems, and the device won’t work if they’re even a tiny bit wet.

So, always let your vacuum’s filters dry for a day at least before using them again.

  1. Clean The Filter Again

If you’re sure the filter isn’t wet, I think it just needs cleaned again. Every now and then, filters need to be cleaned quite extensively.

There’s the obvious build up of dirt and debris on them that you can see at first glance.

But, there’s also build-ups in hidden corners of these filters that need to be dealt with too.

When the filter is blocked by the dirt, it might cause weak or no suction issue at the same time.

You have to remove each panel of the filter from its individual place and clean them from behind.

Plus, the small crevices on the top and bottom of the filter need to be dusted too, since dirt can build up there.

In short, you should try giving your filters a good cleaning again, especially if they look as dirty as mine does in the photo you can see below.

dirty dyson filter

Another method I often use on my Dyson filter is to use another strong vacuum to clean it.

I used my corded Karcher vacuum which is quite good for this purpose.

clean dyson vacuum filter with antoher strong vacuum

You’ll know for sure that the filter needs cleaned if the filter light is on. This light is in different places depending on the specific Dyson vacuum you have.

If the light is on, clean the filter the way I mentioned earlier and make sure you let it try for at least a day.

  1. Filter Needs Replaced

If your filter isn’t wet and you’re sure it’s completely clean, one other possibility is that it just needs replaced. I don’t think this is that unlikely, especially if you have an old vacuum.

Filters eventually get worse with wear, and you have to replace them sooner or later.

If you’ve been using the same one for over a year now, you probably just need to buy a new filter and use that.

Note: Faulty filter might cause Dyson Vacuum Maximum Mode not working issue

clean and new looking filter

I have a new filter for my Dyson V11, which you can see above. It’s only been used a couple of times and looks completely clean. You need something like that too to get your vacuum working again.

You can easily find replacement filters online. Dyson’s official website has them, and you can also purchase them off of retailers like Amazon.

Just look for a filter for your specific Dyson vacuum’s model, and it should pop right up. Then you can throw the old one away and use a new one to see if it gets your device working again.

  1. Your Vacuum Circuited

Now, this last scenario I’m going to discuss is for people that made the mistake I mentioned at the start of this guide; using a wet filter.

The reason why I said it’s so harmful is because it can lead to short circuits.

Unfortunately, if your device isn’t turning on at all, it could be because you ended up using a wet filter.

Since these filters are so close to the motor, any water on them can come into contact with the motor.

dyson vacuum circuited

All of this leads to the scenario I highlighted in my image above.

Before you move to my suggestion below, I would recommend you to wait for one or two days again!

Sometimes the vacuum dry and it start working again, so just be patient!

If it is still not working after few days and you are sure it is dry now, the wiring and circuitry around your motor might be heavily damaged .

Try to use a multimeter to check if there is any output voltage when the vacuum is turned on as shown in the image below.

check dyson vacuum output voltage

Because of that, the device can’t turn on, since the motor has no power. The only solution is to get repairs.

You likely can’t deal with circuit repairs at home, unless you have very specific knowledge and tools.

For something like that, you’ll need Dyson’s repair team, or a local mechanic qualified to handle this situation.


Those were 4 of the most likely reasons why your Dyson vacuum has not been working after you got done changing the filter.

I’m sure you’ll find at least one of them to be the reason for your troubles too.

I hope that with my help, you were able to clear things up and get your vacuum working again!


  • Thomas Martinez

    Hi, I am Thomas Martinez, the owner of ToolCroze.com! As a passionate DIY enthusiast and a firm believer in the power of quality tools, I created this platform to share my knowledge and experiences with fellow craftsmen and handywomen alike.

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